How We Choose

We’ve selected the top most engaging news articles on Twitter from Australian news media. The selection criteria are based on logical fallacies statistics found in the retweets and comments.

Critical Concentration

From The Age: “Jayne Hrdlicka was forced to pause at times during her speech when she was drowned out by booing when she mentioned the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and the Victorian state government…”

The response contains approximately 37% of comments that look a lot like fallacious reasoning of any type our detector can recognise. Spread between reasoning type groups:

Logical Fallacies Composition

Ms Jayne Hrdlicka is Tennis Australias President. After she said in the TA trophy presentation speech: “It’s been a time of deep loss and extraordinary sacrifice for everyone… With vaccinations on the way, rolling out in many countries around the world, it’s now a time for optimism and hope for the future…” - the crowd starting booing.

Some people in Victoria and on the stadium in particularly understand and feel that the government failed to do quarantine, contact tracing and vaccine rollout and wouldn’t want to hear this. Others would think this speech should not be accepted in such a way. Polarising topic.

Examples of logical fallacies from responses. Appeal to emotions and hasty generalisation:

It’s an embarrassment. Not only these people embarrassed themselves but also bring down the standard of Victorian people. Such low class act.

Plain name-calling:

Goes to show what an ingrate bunch the tennis crowd is.

Triggering News

Inspiring Ad Hominem and Name Calling.

In this reference to the person, name-calling, and identity politics trigger group during last week, the most prominent tweet was

From SMH: “Liberal senator James Paterson to lead Parliament’s intelligence and security committee…”

The response contains approximately 43% of comments that look a lot like Ad Hominem Attacks. The spread controversial arguments between logical fallacy groups:

Logical Fallacies Composition

The key topic here is - that the commitee is to conduct the hearings into right-wing extremism and foreign interference at Australian universities. About China interests and attitude. Several goups of interests.

Examples of Argumentum ad Hominem and Argumentum ad Personam from the comments

But he’s the most unintelligent and insecure guy around

But he looks like he just got out of high school

Food for Thoughts

In this smart argument category - where comments contain a lot of reasoning that looks really like Argument from Ignorance, Reduction to Absurd, Conspiracy Theory, False Dichotomy Fallacy, Fallacy of Composition or Fallacy of Division.

Last week, the most worth reading tweet in this group was

From the 9 News: “The world watches on as Facebook bans news content in Australia…”

The response contains approximately 13% of comments that look a lot like logical fallacies of the types listed above. The distribution between this and other groups of reasoning types:

Logical Fallacies Composition

The same topic about australian media would like to get extra income from inbount links and Facebook removes those links pushing their sites’ traffic down. Facebook is censoring advertisements on their platform. Media want to get censorship-free access…

The example of Appeal to Emotions fallacy from the comments:

What an absolute disgrace. Shame on you Facebook.

Some Conspiracy theories:

Heheh, everyone can see how news Corps are trying to manipulate people, big techs are “evil” while they are innocent. Dirty Corps, you all should be removed from big techs. Get out and sell newspapers, big techs don’t welcome corrupted news Corps.

Emotional Trigger

Inspiring in comments something that looks really like Emotional Appeal.

In this Appeal to Emotion category last week, the most worth reading tweet was from the ABC News:

“Tamil family to stay on Christmas Island after Federal Court rejects appeal over daughter’s immigration status…”

The response contains approximately 20% of comments that look a lot like emotional appeals. To compare with other groups:

Logical Fallacies Composition

Sri-Lankian people illegaly came to Australia, gave birth to two daughters there and seeking an asylum. One view is to demand to leave first and apply for asylum after that - which could put them at risk. Another - give an asylum which probably would look like a precedent for similar cases - asylum after illegal arrival. In the USA if the child is born on the the territory of the US he or she receives a citizenship automatically. In Australia it is not like it.

Examples Appeal to Emotions:

How cruel are we Australians? I just cannot see any compassion in our society. What on earth happened to us?

Slippery Slope Fallacy Example:

I want to come to Australia. Let me remain too. Australia will become a home for the world.

Team and Status Quo

Inspiring readers for some arguments that look like contain these logical fallacies Appeal to Popularity, Hasty Generalization, Appeal to Tradition, Appeal to Authority or Slippery Slope.

In this class last week, the most prominent piece of news was from SMH: “Breaking: Facebook to restrict Australians sharing or viewing news content…”

The response contains approximately 21% of comments that we would associate with this group. The reasoning types composition:

Logical Fallacies Composition

Similar topic to the Food for Thoughts category just from different newsmaker:

Appeal to Authority with loaded question examples:

Quick poll: Is there anyone other than your slightly racist auntie that gets their news from Facebook?.

False dichotomy example:

Is Twitter paying for this content? Or is SMH after exposure of the article?

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Other top news: All News Articles reviews with Logical Fallacies examples from comments.