9 October 2020 - 15 October 2020

How We Choose

We’ve selected for you the most engaging news (tweets) from Australian news agencies.

How did we understand them being the most engaging? That’s simple. Those that have comments with logical fallacies of a particular kind. For example, if a comment contains Ad Hominem, we consider this tweet a bit triggering, or if it contains False Dilemma, then it’s probably a Food for Thought. You see the idea. So we prepared a couple of pieces of news for each group: “Triggering”, “Food for Thoughts” and “Team, Status Quo, and Better Life”.

If you want to receive those right as soon as they are ready, please follow us on twitter: @makesensenews1. For more details on online fallacy detector, please see Automatic Logical Fallacy Detection.

Triggering News

Inspiring Ad Hominem, Name Calling, and Appeal to Emotion.

In this nomination during last week, the two most prominent tweets were

Trigger 1

Ok. When people call each other names, including leftist, racist, use identity politics, we can consider this namecalling. Unfortunately, these kinds of personal attacks do happen a lot.

Trigger 2

Food for Thoughts

Inspiring in comments something that looks really like

I this category last week, the two most worth reading tweets were

Food for Thoughts 1

Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory was marred by interference from the Russian government.

Casuation or correlation… Conspiracy theories or False Dilemma… It was 4 years ago and still actual.

Food for Thoughts 2

“The truth about COVID-19”: How anti-Beijing activists are spreading coronavirus conspiracies.

Do you remember how it’s started? What was the role WHO played in early stages?

Current COVID-19 statistics in Australia - 15 October 2020. Data From health.gov.au

  • Total cases in: 27,362
  • Recovered: 24,909
  • Deaths: 904

Team and Status Quo

Inspiring readers for some arguments that look like contain these logical fallacies

I this class during last week two the most prominent pieces of news were

A Better life for everyone 1

“The current restrictions are unnecessary, disproportionate and must be lifted….”

Yes, Victorians, especially Melbournians, are really tired of this lockdown with extensions. Businesses are under water. People expect some certainty.

A Better life for everyone 2

Kevin Rudd calling for a royal commission into the diversity of Australian news media - already got over 140,000 signatures.

Discussion shows many people want it.

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If you want to receive these prominent news selections right as soon as they are ready, please follow us on twitter: @makesensenews1.